The Roseau Central & South West District comprises of the following communities:
- Castle Comfort
- Eggleston
- Fond Baron
- Fortune
- Gallion
- Giraudel
- Kingshill
- Loubiere
- Newtown
- Pointe Mitchell
- Roseau Central
- Scotts head
- Soufriere
- Wall House
To date there are 29 registered youth organizations in the district.
The Roseau Central & South West District is home to 5 Secondary and 7 Primary Schools. There are also to 2 informal educational Institution: Social Centre Adolescent Life Skills Programme and Roseau Youth Centre Life Skills Programme.
Schools in the Roseau Central & South West District include:
- Convent High School
- Convent Preparatory
- Dominica Grammar School
- Giraudel Primary
- Newtown Primary
- Soufriere Primary
- St. Luke's Primary
- St. Martin Primary
- St. Martin Secondary
- St. Mary's Academy
- St. Mary's Primary
- Wesley High School